Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Downlink and Ale Fillman (Dubstep)

 Ale Fillman and Downlink release ‘Uncut’ and ‘Press Go’ remixed, two Dubstep bangers bleeding with meticulous detail and sound, powerful with monster basslines and keen drum work. ‘Uncut’ has hip hop swagger, a lush snare and deep fluctuating bass, edgy and provoking, peppered with amen breaks and glitchy kicks. ‘Press Go’ Downlink’s Short Circuit remix seduces with the original eerie synth melody, the Speak and Spell sample and new zealous affects dropping into a massive assault of wobbles and rumbling bass. With positive feedback and spins from high profile DJs in the Dubstep community this release debuts a taste of pure ruckus, results from a deadly collaboration. 

♫ Uncut - Downlink and Ale Fillman